Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra | 324Hz Frequency Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Bath (Manipura)


💛 The Solar Plexus Chakra (or ‘Manipura’) is the third of 7 primary Chakras. It’s located in the upper abdomen, uniting us with our personal power.

💛 This Chakra is responsible for our confidence and self-esteem. It governs the digestive system and is associated with the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines.

💛 When this Chakra is balanced, it empowers a person with a strong sense of personal power, confidence, and self-worth. They feel a deep inner strength and motivation to pursue their goals and dreams. However, if it is blocked, we may experience low self-esteem and lack of confidence with the inability to make decisions or assert oneself. Individuals may struggle with making decisions, assertiveness, and setting healthy boundaries.

💛 This sound bath incorporates the singing bowl note E 324hz which is said to be the note connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra. These comforting vibrations will bring a comforting pulse throughout your body and clear out any energetic blockages that may be stuck in your solar plexus.

💛 This exercise can be as short or as long as you would like. In any posture or setting, eyes open or closed, simply focus your attention to the area above your naval.