Home Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing

Chakras are energy centers in the body that are thought to be spinning wheels or circles from where life energy flows. There are seven chakras, Root, Sacral, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye, and Crown, each of them corresponding to different organs, body functions, aspects of life and physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being.

When our chakras are in balance, energy flows freely through them, supporting our overall health and vitality. However, if a chakra becomes blocked or out of balance, it can affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, leading to issues such as anxiety, depression, or physical ailments.

Blocked chakras are usually caused due to high stress, trauma or conflict, or as a result of an unhealthy or toxic lifestyle, persistent negative emotions, lack of physical activity, poor sleep, disconnection with nature, urban lifestyle and deep rooted emotions such as fear or anxiety.

These frequencies are known to help ‘Open’ or ‘Balance’ each chakra. It is recommended to start from lower chakras and move higher as you experience the benefits and the calm sense of well-being when your chakras are unblocked and are functioning at their optimum.