Home Gong Sound Baths

Gong Sound Baths

The gong is one of the oldest man made sounds used in Healing & Meditation, dating back over 5,000 years, playing an important role in ceremonies and rituals in many evolved cultures including China, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Greece, India, South America and Africa.

The gong’s sounds and vibrations have a quick effect on the brain and the body. They move us from our awake (Beta) state to a more relaxed and calm (Alpha) state, then on to a restful (Theta) state and finally to a deeply relaxing meditative (Delta) state.

They cause the brain, heart and respiratory rates to slow down and increase the release of melatonin, endorphin and dopamine chemicals that are linked to feelings of expanded mental clarity.

The deep sounds and vibrations of the gong vary according to the size of the instrument, the mallets used and the style of the player. The experience is unlike listening to music, you canā€™t identify and grasp on to specific notes as you can with music. Instead, the gong creates a soundscape that takes the listener on a relaxing, meditative journey.

A gong meditation is a ‘passive’ experience, in that the listener simply lays down and lets the sounds wash over them ā€“ hence the term ā€˜gong bathā€™. It has been described as a ‘sonic massage’ as your body and mind respond to the sounds and vibrations. There is nothing to learn, no skills to acquire, so for people who find it hard to switch off or meditate, the gong is an ideal experience.

Apart from deep relaxation and reduced stress levels, participants also report a number of other gong benefits and experiences, such as strong emotions ā€“ from joy to tears ā€“ feelings of floating, bright lights, strong, colourful images and more. Individual experiences will vary, of course.

Experience these Gong Baths preferably on Good Heavy Speakers, or if not possible, you can alternatively use Noise-cancellation Headphones for getting an Almost-Real Experience.