Home Healing Nature Sounds

Healing Nature Sounds

The collection of soundtracks on this page is for those of us who live in urban areas and live our lives with a soundtrack of man-made noises of traffic, airplanes, construction, crowds, markets, electrical appliances and the loud cacophony that we wrongly call entertainment or celebrations.

There is no better sound for humans to live happy, calm, content, healthy and fulfilling lives than the Pure and Natural sounds of Nature. For example, it has been scientifically established that sleeping with the sounds of crickets or ocean waves and waking up to the sounds of chirping birds can not only enhance our quality of sleep, but also help us live in optimal physical, mental and emotional health and generally improve vitality the flow of Chi.

Modern technology, when used correctly, can be a great tool for experiencing this vital natural element that is missing in urban lives. This page lists only 100% Natural Sounds which have innumerable benefits for our health, consciousness and well-being.

The amazing work of pioneers like Gordon Hempton in helping bring back the lost Silence and the Sounds of Nature into our lives using technology are a Blessing. Play these sounds on good speakers, or for a direct, immersive experience of being transported to the midst of nature, use noise-cancelling headphones.

Make working, sleeping and living with sounds of nature a part of your daily life and witness the quality of your life transforming within a few days!! Notice the Calmness & Serenity that flows into your life, and a drastic reduction in stress and anxiety.

Gaia is not only the Best, but the Only True Healer!! All healing methods in the world ultimately exist only to remove obstacles and assist nature to do its healing magic.