Home Love & Relationships

Love & Relationships

The frequencies on this page work by helping remove Emotional and Energetic blocks that we have accepted and internalised since childhood, and the walls that we have built around our hearts for our ‘protection’ from pain, often due to rejection traumas, fear of loss or possibly the grief of loss that we may have experienced or been witness to, at some point in our lives.

When we absorb frequencies which are known to balance the Heart Chakra, for example, the 639Hz Solfeggio frequency that carries the healing energy which can “mend broken hearts and create harmonious relationships” according to some,

We allow our accumulated negative emotions and emotional blocks to melt away, letting go of the Fear of loss or rejection, opening up our hearts so our Energy can Flow freely & harmoniously towards the other, as nature intended, only then can we allow the Love and Deep Connections that we crave to enter our lives.

As with all Healing Frequencies, use with headphones, and in case of longer duration or sleep frequencies, use good speakers at a low, soft but audible volume.