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Mental Health

Mental health issues like depression, anxiety, lack of focus, brain fog, weak memory, ADHD, low libido, emotional fatigue, lack of empathy, demotivation, learning disorders, including degenerative diseases like alzheimer’s and schizophrenia, are the price we pay for getting to live in the material comforts and security of our modern civilized world.

You might have noticed all of the above, which are considered ‘normal’ today, were conspicuously missing from the so called ‘primitive’ and ‘uncivilised’ cultures.

The frequencies on this page help in addressing some of these issues by gently healing the brainwaves back to their natural state and helping reverse the damage done by modern life and our environment.

Most of these conditions, except the ones we are born with or are prone to genetically, are nothing but coping mechanisms that we have unconsciously adopted to deal with our world and to avoid pain and suffering.