Heavy Metal Detox – Healing Frequency | Spooky2 | Rife Frequencies


We take in toxins from food, drink, or even the air we breathe, and our body naturally expels them. However, our bodies cannot discard these toxins fast enough due to too much pollution in the surrounding environment these days. Small amounts of heavy metals, such as iron and zinc, are essential for a healthy body. However, an excess of heavy metals can have a negative effect on the human body. This frequency aims to remove excess heavy metals from the body. Heavy metals that can lead to toxicity include: āœ… Mercury āœ… Lead āœ… Arsenic āœ… Cadmium āœ… Aluminum āœ… Nickel āœ… Uranium āœ… Thallium āœ… Other definitions include manganese, iron, lithium, zinc, and calcium, etc.