Optic Neuritis – Healing Frequency | Spooky2 Rife Frequencies


Optic neuritis (ON) is inflammation of your optic nerve. It can cause vision loss in one or both of your eyes and this condition is usually temporary. In some cases, you may also feel pain when you move your eyes.

The most common cause of optic neuritis is inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve. When the immune system mistakenly targets the substance covering your optic nerve, resulting in inflammation and damage to the myelin.

Early diagnosis and treatment can improve your outcome. The usual course is three days of IV steroids followed by a few days of tapering medication. Normally, as you recover and the inflammation goes away, your vision will likely return over time.

This frequency video will help to relieve:

āœ… Periocular pain
āœ… Blurred vision