Spasm Healing Frequency | Spooky2 Rife Frequencies


Spasm is contractions of the muscles in hands, thumbs, feet, or toes. It occurs when your muscle involuntary and forcibly contract and can’t relax by itself. Spasm is usually brief but can be severe and painful in some cases.

Spasm is too unpredictable to prevent. Typically, overuse of a muscle, dehydration, muscle strain or simply holding a position for a prolonged period can cause a muscle cramp.

There is no pill or injection that instantly relieves spasm. However, you can take some steps to try and get rid of the spasm, including stretching your affected muscle and massaging it, or applying heat or ice if necessary.

This frequency video will help to relieve:
☑️ Cramping.
☑️ Fatigue.
☑️ Muscle weakness.