324Hz Pancreatic Healing Sound Bath – Crystal Singing Bowl (No Talking) Endocrine Cleanse


Our thumbnail says 325hz but we made a mistake! It’s actually 324hz πŸ™

This Sound Bath is designed specifically to benefit our Pancreas. The frequency used in this video resonates the area of our Solar Plexus region, benefiting our small intestine and helping to regulate our enzymes, digestive juices and insulin levels.

As you surrender to the waves penetrating your body, allow your awareness to flow down to the area of your Solar Plexus. Observe how each pulse and wave ripples through your inner core to stimulate positive chemical reactions into a full spectrum Pancreatic cleanse.

Sound bathers commonly experience visions of the color yellow when listing to this tone for prolonged periods of time with eyes closed. This tone is also associated with the “Solar Plexus” Chakra in ancient meditative practices.